I attached the paper to the front of my tin with good old Glue Dots (I prefer Zots by ThermoWeb but I also use the Glue Dots brand a lot). I have tried many different types of adhesives for putting paper on tin and found that the best thing is still glue dots.
To embellish the front of my tin, I created my own banner spelling "Notes" and then also made some felt flowers by cutting a small circle from felt, then starting at the outside and cutting in a spiral until I reached the middle. Then I put a large bit of hot glue in the spot I wanted and starting from the outside edge in, wound the felt round and round to create a flower, finishing off with a pearl for the center. I added felt leaves and some pearl floral centers to my flowers as well.
Here are some 3-D views of the top of the tin to show how the butterfly and flowers pop up:
And also a quick look at the inside cards-- they are just simple, without any sentiments, that way they can be used for whatever!
Check out our current Beary Scrap Challenge-- Things with Wings-- by clicking here and enter your own project. Thanks for looking!