I am so excited! This is the first ever Blog Award that I have I received and it is a "Stylish Blogger Award" from VinDeeLoo. This totally made my day! Thank you so much! This is so awesome.
So when you receive this award your are supposed to do the four things listed below. Upon receiving this award I must:
1) thank the person who gave this award to me and link it back to their blog
"2) share 8 things about myself
3) pass this award to 8 other individuals that I have recently discovered
4) leave a comment so that they can pass along the recognition!
And so, of course, first I want to thank the fabulous Becca who visited my blog, left me a sweet comment and then gave me this award! Visit her blog and see her awesome creations at http://creationswithbecka.blogspot.com.
Second, I have to share 8 things about myself, wow!
1. I am married to my high school sweetheart, David-- our 14th anniversary will be this month. 14 years sure goes fast!
2. I have three great kids who keep me very busy and also occasionally make me a little nuts!
3. I love to read and have read 8 books since Christmas-- I love historical fiction and highly recommend anything by Michelle Moran.
4. I am a serious football fanatic! I am in mourning from February until September because there is no NFL or college football to watch. Go Denver Broncos! (It's going to be a better year next year! :)
5. I hate snakes with a passion.
6. I love Diet Coke, autumn and going on vacation (especially to DisneyWorld).
7. I was born on Halloween and also have two nieces (from the same family) who were born on that day. We witches celebrate together every year.
8. I am a completely addicted scrapbooker and paper crafter! My husband thinks I have an illness but I call it my therapy.
And now, I will be passing this award on to these 8 fabulous ladies:
Kira-- My Tear Bears
Corinne-- Celebrating Ordinary Moments
Lori-- Pinkcloud Scrappers
Leslie-- Leslie Krochta's Creations
Rene-- Simply Cute
Cheryl-- Sweeet Designs by Cheryl
Alicia-- Time to Create
Helena-- Scrappassion
Congrats ladies, you're all very talented!